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Научнопопулярни книги - Psychology, Biology, Physics, Society, Nature
Научнопопулярни книги - Psychology, Biology, Physics, Society, Nature
Научнопопулярни книги - Psychology, Biology, Physics, Society, Nature
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Заглавие: Научнопопулярни книги - Psychology, Biology, Physics, Society, Nature

Доставка: Изпращане по Спиди/Еконт или лично предаване в района на Спортна палата, гр. София

1. Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order (Steven Strogatz) - Много добро - 25лв
2. How Bad Are Bananas (Mike Berners-Lee) - Много добро - 25лв
3. Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze?: And 114 Other Questions (New Scientist) - Много добро - 12лв
4. Schrödinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality (John Gribbin) - Много добро - 16лв
6. Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order (Steven Strogatz) - Много добро - 20лв
7. The Weather Makers: Our Changing Climate and what it means for Life on Earth (Tim Flanner) - Добро - 12лв
9. Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life (Daniel C. Dennett) - Много добро - 20лв
11. The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory (Brian Greene) - Много добро - 20лв
12. The Hidden Life of Trees (Peter Wohlleben) - Отлично - 18лв
13. Tricks Of The Mind (Derren Brown) - Добро - 15лв
15. Genome (Matt Ridley) - Добро - 15лв
16. Why Evolution is True (Jerry A. Coyne) - Много добро - 18лв
17. The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World (Catherine Nixey) - Много добро - 20лв
18. The Epigenetics Revolution (Nessa Carey) - Много добро - 20лв
19. Trick or Treatment?: Alternative Medicine on Trial (Simon Singh, Edzard Ernst) - Много добро - 15лв
20. Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity (Carlo Rovelli) - Добро - 18лв
21. The Burning Question (Mike Berners-Lee) - Отлично - 15лв
22. p53: The Gene that Cracked the Cancer Code (Sue Armstrong) - Много добро - 18лв
23. The Continuum Encyclopedia of Symbols (Udo Becker) - Много добро - 25лв
24. The Carbon Crunch: How We're Getting Climate Change Wrong - and How to Fix it (Dieter Helm) - Много добро - 15лв
25. Survivors: The Animals and Plants that Time has Left Behind (Richard Fortey) - Отлично - 20лв
26. Богове, храмове и оракули (Франсиско Хосе Гомес) - Много добро - 10лв
27. The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance and Empower the Mind (Michio Kaku) - Отлично - 20лв
28. Bird Sense: What It's Like to Be a Bird (Tim Birkhead) - Много добро - 18лв
29. Encyclopaedia of Big Cats, Bears, Whales and Elephants - Отлично - 25лв
31. The Mice Who Sing For Sex: And Other Weird Tales from the World of Science (Lliana Bird, Jack Lewis) - Отлично - 15лв
32. Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5 Billion-Year History of the Human Body (Neil Shubin) - Много добро - 20лв
33. Life Inc: How Corporatism Conquered the World, and How We Can Take It Back (Douglas Rushkoff) - Отлично - 15лв
36. I Think You’ll Find It’s a Bit More Complicated Than That (Ben Goldacre) - Отлично - 20лв
37. The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? (Jared Diamond) - Отлично - 25лв
38. Beyond Good And Evil (Friedrich Nietzsche) - Много добро - 15лв
39. Thus Spake Zarathustra (Friedrich Nietzsche) - Много добро - 8лв
41. Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience and What Makes Us Human (Matt Ridley) - Добро - 14лв
42. The Origins of Virtue (Matt Ridley) - Добро - 15лв
43. The Age of Absurdity: Why Modern Life Makes it Hard to be Happy (Michael Foley) - Отлично - 7лв
44. A Brief History of Time: From Big Bang to Black Holes (Stephen Hawking) - Добро - 12лв
47. Guns, Germs and Steel: A short history of everybody for the last 13,000 years (Jared Diamond) - Много добро - 25лв
48. When Nietzsche Wept: A Novel Of Obsession (Irvin D. Yalom) - Много добро - 15лв

ТАГОВЕ: Ирвин Ялом, Ницше, Джаред Даймънд, психоза, психология, биология, химия, физика, астрономия, Чалрз Дарвин, Стивън Хокинг, Мат Ридли, Брайън Кокс, Шрьодингер, квантова физика, квантова механика, astronomy, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, schizophrenia, шизофрения, екология, околна среда, промяна в климата, глобално затопляне, global warming, climate change, ecology, environment
ID: 137824373

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Научнопопулярни книги - Psychology, Biology, Physics, Society, Nature

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