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Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series Core i7, with CD/DVD, nVidia GeForce
Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series Core i7, with CD/DVD, nVidia GeForce
Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series Core i7, with CD/DVD, nVidia GeForce
Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series Core i7, with CD/DVD, nVidia GeForce
Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series Core i7, with CD/DVD, nVidia GeForce
Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series Core i7, with CD/DVD, nVidia GeForce
Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series Core i7, with CD/DVD, nVidia GeForce
Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series Core i7, with CD/DVD, nVidia GeForce
Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series Core i7, with CD/DVD, nVidia GeForce
  • Частна

  • Доставката се поема от: купувача

  • Състояние: използвано


Продава се лаптоп Дел, Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series,
Като нов (вече не ги правят толкова добри;)
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U
CPU 2.40GHz 2.40GHz

Installed RAM 8.00 GB

64-based processor
17,3” screen HD+

No pen or touch input is available for this displa

HD camera


1000 GB hard drive


Не се интересувам от бартер.
ID: 134240717

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В OLX от август 2013 г.

Последно онлайн 22 април 2024 г.

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Добавена 07 април 2024 г.

Dell Inspiration 17 5000 series Core i7, with CD/DVD, nVidia GeForce

1000 лв.



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